Sweet Aaliyah was going out for a run with her foster mom when she got startled, pulling the leash out of her foster's hands. Aaliyah made a mad dash for the safety of her home, and seemed, at first glance to be no worse for the wear other than a few scratches on her paws. By nightfall, however, it was evident that something was very wrong. Aaliyah was not eating, drinking, or getting up out of her bed. A trip to the vet the next day showed that Aaliyah had broken bones in three of her four paws!!
The very next day, we rushed Aaliyah to
Dr. Snakard, our wonderful orthopedic surgeon at the
Veterinary Surgical Center, who told us that Aaliyah would need surgery on her right front foot to realign the broken bones. The left front foot was not as badly injured so would heal in a splint. Her right night would also heal on its own, but needed to be placed in a cast.
This morning we got the good news that Aaliyah's surgery was successful! She is now starting her 5-7 weeks of crate rest (poor girl!).
Please consider helping us cover the cost of Aaliyah's surgery!