Please consider donating to our Critical Care fund so we can continue to help each and every Lucky Dog that Comes our way!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sebastian's ears are healing

Poor Sebastian in his cone of shame! His ears are slowly healing -- and his buzz cut is growing back. There was an incredibly bad infection of MRSA deep within his ears -- which has been a struggle to get under control. But, boy, that Sebastian is a real trooper!!!

Please help us cover the ongoing costs of his medical care. Donate today!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chief was adopted!

We are thrilled to report that Chief found a WONDERFUL home!!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sebastian's Major Ear Surgery

Sebastian arrived from South Carolina with incredibly painful ears. They looked like cauliflower -- with the sides of the ear canal swollen totally shut. When we took him to the vet, we were told he probably had been suffering from chronic ear infections for most of his life! Poor Baby!!!

We brought him to a surgeon yesterday who sedated Sebastian so he could look inside the swollen canals. Once he saw the massive infection, the surgeon realized we had no choice but to remove both ear canals. The bad news is that Sebastian will never hear again. The good news is he came through surgery well and will not be in pain!!

Sebastian is a resiliant pup, and we know he is going to adjust to his new lifestyle quickly!

The hardest part, as always, is paying the bills, in this case, well over $2,000. Please donate to Sebastian's care!

Chief Gets New Legs!

Chief came to shelter in South Carolina without back feet. In fact, someone or something taken part of both back legs. Yet, despite such a horrible experience, Chief has not lost his faith in this world - or in mankind. He is a loving and affectionate dog.

This alone is amazing but it is not all that makes Chief special. Because his hind legs got sore from walking on skin that was not created to act like a foot, Chief needed something to protect his limbs. In other words, Chief needed prosthetics.

Think about what that must have seemed like to Chief. Strange things were velcroed to his legs, making them longer that he was used to and making him use muscles he didn't know he had. His gait changed. One of the "feet" sometimes lands on its side rather than flat. Everything feels strange. No one explained what was happening.

Yet, Chief has learned to walk again. (Check out his video!)

If a person went through what Chief experienced, they would have spent hours with a doctor hearing what the prosthetics would look and feel like. They would have days if not months of physical therapy learning how to properly walk again. They would be able to express their frustrations, rage against their failures, and celebrate their triumphs.

Chief has none of that. But, he walks like a champion.

Please DONATE to help us cover the costs of chief's medical care.