Little Frank is in need of eye surgery!
Due to a nasty upper respiratory infection, poor little Frank's eye became very irritated and infected and eventually closed shut. His infection is almost cleared, however his third eyelid has fused together--and it needs to be cut apart. The vets believe that his eye beneath is healthy--but we need to do this surgery to be sure--and get him back to normal!
You wouldn't know that Frankie hasn't been feeling his best. He is an absolute doll! He loves to sit on your lap and follows his humans around like a puppy dog! Having his cold and irritated eye has not slowed him down at all. He is still full of personality and love! And he loves to eat--you can see from the food on his chin in his picture!
At the end of April, Frank and his family arrived in his Northern VA foster home after living most all of his short life in a high-kill North Carolina shelter.