What a day this has been. I can't bend my front legs at all and when I try to move I grunt. My foster family thinks it is because I am in pain but it is also because I am so frustrated. I can't even stand up to go to the bathroom. I also can't find a comfortable position to lay down. The only way I feel some relief is when somebody is holding me. But that only last for a few minutes. I hope this gets better soon. Sorry I am being so grumpy. I know it will be better but today has been ruff (get it ruff, ruff - I still have some of my sense of humor). I am a bit comical. When I try to sit up, the weight of my splints starts to tip me over to one side and I watch my foster family dive toward me to keep me from falling. I've got to admit that does make me laugh a little.
Thanks for sending all of your good wishes my way. It helps to know that you all are thinking about me.
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