Please consider donating to our Critical Care fund so we can continue to help each and every Lucky Dog that Comes our way!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Resilience of Little Spice!

Abandoned at a local vet hospital after being hit by a car, little Spice had no options. She had no one to love her. No one to pull for her. Until Dr. Glassman saw her and realized he could help. He could not let this sweet little puppy, happy and cheerful despite intense pain, lose her life because of a callous owner! An owner that did not know what it means to welcome a dog into your family.

He called Lucky Dog. And, Lucky Dog answered!

Our original attempts at setting her leg were unsuccessful, and Spice had surgery just two weeks ago. She is thriving and recovering. But, her bills are a harsh reminder of the road she traveled. And, we need your help!

This world is full of abandoned dogs, mistreated dogs, forgotten dogs. Spice is one of the Lucky Ones! She had the medical care she needed to survive. She had the love of a great surgeon who not only healed her bones but helped her find her way to us. To YOU!

You are the reason we could make the decision to get Spice the surgery she needed! YOUR SUPPORT WILL SAVE HER LIFE!

Please donate today!